Tear Trough


Say goodbye to tired looking eyes

What it is: Tear trough is a filler treatment using an HA filler that is injected into the under eye area to help plump dark circles and eye bags that can be visible on the lower eye.

Why you want it:

  • More youthful appearance
  • Adds volume beneath the eyelids
  • Fills in your undereye bags and make you look refreshed

Service Details

The 101:

During tear trough filler treatment, an HA filler is injected into the fragile area of volume loss that can be visible on the lower eye.

Typically, treatment starts with a syringe of filler split between both eyes. Then filler is re-injected in 2 weeks for optimum results.

It is important to know that tear trough filler treatment is not a one and done process, often includes optimal cheek or mid face correction and may need multiple treatments to get optimal results.

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