HTMA Testing


Find health answers from within

What it is: Hair trace mineral analysis (HTMA) is a screening test that uses soft tissue mineral biopsies to provide a reading of the mineral deposition of the hair. It’s an extremely accurate and reliable way to learn what’s going on inside of your body for the course of the past 2-3 months, addressing your common but not normal health concerns.

Why you want it:

  • Personalized treatment plans
  • Learn how your body functions
  • Discover root cause of issues (acne, burnout, weight gain, hair loss etc.)

Service Details

The Deets:

Each individual’s metabolic activity and mineral levels indicate adrenal/thyroid function, heavy metal toxicity, and the stage of stress/fatigue the body is in.

Navigating the Results:

Test results are used in combination with an extensive nutritional assessment questionnaire, in which a client will complete by listing any health concerns, symptoms etc.

Then, an LMB RN will analyze the patterns from the HTMA test and link them with the symptoms that correlate with them. For many, this is extremely validating as it is the first-time receiving any sort of explanation for symptoms.

Based on the patterns and the client's top priorities, a LMB RN may recommend lifestyle, dietary and supplement protocols to address any common but not normal symptoms and help the body heal itself.

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