Tooth Gem


Smile bright like a diamond

What it is: Tooth gems are when jewels are attached to the surface of your teeth, updating your style in minutes! With use of a swavortski crystal, a tooth embellishment is a fun way to make a statement that is way less invasive than a tattoo!

Why you want it:

  • Lasts 6 -12 months
  • Takes minutes and is painless
  • Semi-permanent, no drilling is required

Service Details

The Deets:

The application of a tooth gem is similar to how braces are applied. An acidic solution (or etching gel) is placed on the tooth’s surface, microscopically roughening the enamel, before the gemstone is bonded to it with an adhesive and curing lamp,

For the first 24 hours after getting a tooth gem, you should only eat soft foods and avoid using an electric toothbrush or drinking soda, coffee, or tea to protect the fresh bond. (Picking or playing with your tooth gem is also off-limits, too!)

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